te adiuva press

Te Adiuva is Latin.

It means “Help Yourself.”

"Best small publishing house in the business."

—Tom Zoellner, award-winning author, Chapman University professor, and the Los Angeles Review of Books editor.

“Working with Mike Sager has been a great experience for me, and I have no cautions to offer whatsoever. He’s fair, he’s smart, he’s a gifted editor, he’s funny, and he’ll work his ass off to help you sell your book."

—Gay Daly, author of  Miss Havilland: A Novel named to Kirkus Review’s list of Top 100 Books of 2020.

"Gotta say, the cover is wowing folks. I mean, they friggin love it."

Jeffry Head, author of The Wrong Side of Revelry: A Novel of Mystery, Murder, and Mardi Gras

"After 30 years, finally, my fourth attempted manuscript is about to be published. I never thought I'd get there. It's been a long journey of so much rejection, but I was hoping that somehow I would finally get published, and thanks to you that has happened. You have been the perfect publisher for me. Your team is great. I'm getting a little choked up." 

—Peter Kravitz, author of So You Wanna Be a Teacher, a Memoir.

"Wow. Man oh man I think we have a winner right here. Appreciate the tweaks, the patience, the new background. The full trio—cover, spine, back description and design—strikes me as so cohesive and compelling."

—Josh Green, author of Secrets of Ash: A Novel

"I am so glad you are guiding me with all the pre publication steps. I dont know how anybody could self-publish a book like mine without it getting all screwed up.  This book is 100 times better because of the Sager Group and especially you."

Paul Harry Simons, author of The Master Invocations: Moving Energy to Achieve Positive Outcomes 

"As a first-time author I of course approached the whole issue of the publication of my novels with extreme trepidation. At all points in the process, Mike was there for me, guiding me at every step and metaphorically holding my hand. Throughout, Mike was sensitive, proactive and always aware of my concerns, dealing with me with tact, care and sensitivity. I remain extremely grateful and I have absolutely no concerns whatsoever in recommending Mike warmly to all future writers."

Julian de la Motte-Harrison author of Senlac: A Novel of the Norman Conquest of England, Books 1 & 2

The Sager Group’s public publishing platform, Te Adiuva Press, is here to enable writers and artists. We help you to help yourself. We help you to bypass the gatekeepers and to bring your work to life on the page or screen. We help you to harness the means of production. And meanwhile, we deal with all the headaches—from design to editing to sales tracking, we have you covered. With our buffet approach to services, you can choose exactly what you need. All you’ll have to worry about is your twice-yearly royalty checks. And there will always be a phone number to call, an answer from a real person.

All of our providers are skilled designers, writers, craftsmen, and professionals affiliated with respected universities, well-known old and new media brands, and top tech platforms. Many are award winners in their fields. We started The Sager Group to bring to life our own visions—to help ourselves combine art and commerce. Along the road, we’ve found purpose in helping others do the same.

If you check our home page, you’ll note that all of our books are of high quality in both form and content. The titles published by better-known authors, under more traditional publishing agreements, and the several journalism textbooks in use today at major universities, sit side by side on our digital shelves with the books we’ve produced for selected clients. One of our former authors is our best seller; his books are on lists with the likes of Steven King. His name is Brandt Legg. Check him out. http://www.brandtlegg.com/. Another of our authors is yours truly. After five books with conventional New York publishing houses, I opted to begin publishing myself—my way, my tastes, my rules, my ideas, my schedule. And my profits.

Te Adiuva Press can provide writing, editing, copyediting, fact-checking, lawyering and proofreading services, as well as all art, design, and production services. Through our sister company, SFAppWorks, we also have access to a full line of digital products and solutions. We also have travel professionals who can handle book tours and have a sweetheart alliance with several publicists to whom you can be directed. We also do video trailers. Full marketing packages–beyond our usual social media and newsletters–are not offered. We are a content producer only.

A number of TSG’s titles have been optioned for film, including Shaman (TIME Studios) and Labyrinth of the Wind, (Bang Bang, India/ Kunal Nayyar), and Deadliest Man Alive, with NeoText and producer/director David Leitch, screenplay by the Zellner Brothers.

In early 2021, Kirkus Reviews announced The Sager Group had two novels on their list of “The Best 100 Indie Books of 2020.” (The Orphan’s Daughter and Miss Havilland.) Likewise, our Julian De La Motte's two-volume historical Novel, Senlac One and Two, was awarded the Book Viral 2021 Millenium Book Award in the Historical Fiction category. This year, Brad Graft was a Forward Reviews Indies Award Finalist for Edge of Armageddon, the third book in his Brotherhood of the Mamluks trilogy. Other books in the series have won a silver medal from the Military Writers Society of America and was a finalist for the Colby Award, which recognizes "a first work of fiction or non-fiction that has made a major contribution to the understanding of military history, intelligence operations, or international affairs."

More recently, Kirkus Reviews named Notes from the Road, A Filmmaker's Journey through American Music to their list of The Best 100 Indie Books of 2024.

Write us an email and tell us how we can help you to help yourself: info@thesagergroup.net

All the best,

Mike Sager
The Sager Group LLC

*Te Adiuva Press is the hybrid publishing division of The Sager Group LLC, a member in good standing of the Independent Book Publishers Association. Books published by The Sager Group are subject to a competitive acceptance process, with the goal of bringing forward diverse and undiscovered voices otherwise overlooked by larger presses and publishing houses.